Pack 200 - Yorktown, VA
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LEADER RESOURCESResources and files for Den and Pack Leaders
.SAFEBSA Guidelines for SAFE and safety in Scouting
Bullying PreventionGuide and resources
CUB MASTERResources for leading Pack Meetings, Event, Outings, etc.
Cub Scout Rank ConnectionsHow the Cub Scout program ranks are connected and what adventures you can do in a combined activity for each level.
Den HandoutsHandouts for your dens that will help them learn, memorize and retain some of the Scouting principles we teach
FLAGS - Ceremony & Learning Materials (US and VA State)The Pack 200 Indoor Flag Ceremony
The Pack 200 Outdoor Flag Ceremony
Learning about the American Flag
Learning about the Virginia State Flag
LEADER TRAINING AWARDSEarn your KNOT -- find out how in this file
OUTDOORSResources for Leaders in the OUTDOORS -- Hiking requirements, Leave No Trace, Cub Scout Camping, Etc.
PLANNINGResources for the PACK COMMITTEE and Den leaders to plan programming across ranks
PREPARING for DISASTERSHandouts, workbooks and other materials for teach cub scouts how to "Be Prepared" for disasters.